Furnal Equinox 2025 Commission Prices
The commission form is at the bottom of the page, but please take the time to read the ToS first if you’re unfamiliar with my work!
Please note that the convention prices have been adjusted from USD to CAD.
The options are more limited than regular commission openings for ease of organisation.
Terms of Service, Will and Won't Draw, FAQ
Terms of Service
- Cash or Card payments must be made on-site, before the end of the convention. Please make sure to come by for payment, or the commission will be canceled.
- In the case of a PayPal payment, do NOT send ANY payment before your request is approved and an invoice is issued. Any payment received outside of the invoice will be taken as a donation.
- An invoice will be sent when I get to your turn in my queue, or after the initial rough sketch has been approved, depending on the commission type.
- Do NOT complain about my prices.
- Do not try bargaining.
- Do not commission if you’re not sure you have the money to pay for it.
- If you can not pay right away (for a commission that I will be taking home) but will have the money available within one month of the request, I can put the commission on hold, but I will need to know beforehand. If you haven’t notified me and do not have the funds when I send the invoice, the commission request will be cancelled.
- If I say no, do not insist.
- I will not copy other artists’ styles. If you want something in their style, ask them.
- I will not change my art style to the way I used to draw in the past (i.e: thicker/bolder lines). I’ve changed my art over time and would rather not go back to something I’m no longer happy with.
- PLEASE try and keep the commission request impersonal. I am an artist, not a confidant. If details aren’t required for the commission, it’s not needed to mention them!
- Try to mention the species of your character if the reference doesn’t mention it.
- Too many references are better than not enough.
- If anything should be done differently from what is provided as reference (i.e: markings, haircut, accessories, etc…) they should be mentioned in the initial request.
- Forgotten details might come with a fee if work has already been done.
- Please try and put all of your thoughts into the form so you can reduce the probability of having to ask for changes.
- I will be communicating in person or through emails only. No IMSs (i.e: Discord, Telegram, etc…). Please don’t forget to check your inbox once in a while.
- Feel free to poke me if I don’t reply within a few hours!
- Please don’t be shy about asking for updates; the worst that can happen is that I have none.
- Please try and keep it to one thread if possible! If you forgot something, copy and paste your other reply so one email contains all the information.
- In the case of an already started commission, only a partial refund will be made, depending on when the refund is requested. In other words, if work has been done, I will keep the amount associated with the amount of work done.
- In the case of a Wing-It, a refund can be made if I haven’t started yet, but it will not cover the PayPal fees.
- No refund shall be issued on a completed commission.
- Please note that if no reply is made within a week (7 days) of my sending an update, the step/finished piece will count as being approved and will no longer be available for changes and revisions.
- Rough Sketch: Full changes of pose(s) and/or character(s) are allowed at the rough sketch stage, as long as they’re caused by my own mistake (i.e: misread a request and got the pose wrong, switched the poses of characters in a scene with multiple characters). Wanting a new pose because you’ve changed your mind will be an extra fee based on the complexity/number of characters/etc… Medium changes are free of charge. Minor changes are free of charge.
- Lineart/Clean Sketch: Minor changes are allowed at the lineart or clean sketch stage. Medium changes are free of charge, to an extent. If too many changes are requested, there will be a fee based on the time spent. If a full change of pose is requested, there will be an extra fee based on the complexity/number of characters/etc…
- Completed Commission: Once the piece is completed, the only allowed changes are based on my own mistakes (i.e.: markings in wrong places or missing, wrong colour used on clothes, etc…)
- On Wing-It type commissions, the only changes allowed are based on my own mistakes (i.e.: markings in wrong places or missing, wrong colour used on clothes, etc…)
- On Wing-It type commissions requiring character design: I will not change the design unless it is my own mistake. If something wasn’t specified, I will not change it. It is not recommended to order a Wing-It commission for a character without a reference sheet.
- Specific to commissions requiring character design: Please try and have a good idea of what you want or a list of a few ideas. When requesting changes, please try and mention EVERYTHING at once (i.e.: Shape and colour of markings, shape of eyes, body proportions, etc…) instead of making it multiple steps. Asking for different changes in multiple steps when it could be done in one reply might end up costing an extra fee.
- Examples of Minor Changes: Position of hand, expression, accessories, piece of clothing.
- Examples of Medium Changes: Entire outfit, position of both arms or legs, environment, if any.
- I will provide the Full Resolution, as well as a Resized Version and a Watermarked Version.
- You are not allowed to claim the artwork as your own.
- You are not allowed to make any kind of profit from the commissioned drawing unless discussed beforehand. Commercial fees are on a case-by-case basis.
- Cropping (i.e. for an icon) is ok if credit is given.
- Colouring linearts is allowed, as long as no change to the lineart is done without me allowing it, and only if you’re the commissioner (or you allow someone else to colour it).
- If you want your commission(s) to be private, just ask me, and you’ll be the only one to get the file(s).
- Commissioning other artists to make (either by request or commission) derivative work should be discussed with me beforehand. I will most likely allow a one-off thing, but never mass-produced articles (i.e.: keychains) unless commercial fees are discussed.
- In the case of derivative work being made, credits to me will be MANDATORY.
- If you use your commission for the creation or promotion of NFTs, you will owe me a total sum of $10,000 USD or the rounded-up equivalent of triple the price of the sale if a sale is made and valued at more than $10,000 USD.
- The art you commission (Or any of my art at all) should NEVER be used for machine learning/AI art.
- Unless marked as private, the High Resolution of your commission will be made available on Patreon. You are still free to share the High Resolution with people.
- Unless marked as such in the form, WIPs of your commission may be made available for Patreon supporters. If you do not want me to share WIPs with other people besides yourself, please check the box in your application.
Will and Won't Draw
Will Love to Draw!
These are things I love to draw!
-Playful characters
-Shy characters
-Chubby characters
-LGBT+ themed illustrations
-Family-themed illustrations
-Pin-up style illustrations
-Happy sex
Will Draw For a 50% Fee
These are things I do not enjoy, but will draw for a 50% fee.
-Adult characters in CLEAN diapers
It doesn’t cost extra for babies/very young children in diapers, but the diaper has to be clean.
-Suggestive pieces with pregnant characters
Totally SFW pictures that include pregnant characters are fine.
Will Draw For a 100% Fee
These are things I do not enjoy, but will draw for a 100% fee.
-Characters wearing CLEAN diapers in NSFW situations
-Pregnant characters in NSFW situations
-Watersports and/or urine in general
Will NOT Draw
These are Hard No’s. I will NOT draw any of these subjects.
Any piece containing any of these subjects that I have drawn in the past were either drawn BEFORE the subject was added to the list OR agreed upon before the subject was added to the list.
-Underage characters in sexual situations.
Yes, this includes “17 years and 364 days old” characters. I know it’s arbitrary, but I’d rather keep myself safe.
-“Feral” animal characters in sexual situations.
Exceptions are made for fantasy creatures able to give explicit consent.
-Real people without their consent.
ncludes actors, singers, public figures, etc…
-Real people in sexual situations.
No exception.
-Glorified imagery of racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc…
This includes uniforms and symbols.
-Glorification of self-harm.
-Anything that positively portrays sexual assault.
Unplanned/Surprise sex is ok, but everyone must be into it ultimately. Scenes that lean into dubious consent (i.e: Somnophilia, “secretly wants it”, etc…) are also acceptable. Requests for such topics will be assumed to imply consent and to be entirely non-traumatic to every participating character.
-Memorial pieces for people or pets.
As a freelancer, I need to advertise. I do not feel comfortable advertising under such pieces.
-Dirty Diapers.
Unless Horror/Gore Theme
Excluding consensual cheating. tldr: Everyone must be into it, including the one being cheated on. i.e: cuckolding.
(I might draw some of that stuff at like $2000 a character rough sketch, and no one posts it ever, I guess.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What currency are the prices in?
A: Unless mentioned in a special sale, prices are in USD.
Q: What is your work process?
A: For a commission containing multiple steps (meaning anything but Rough Sketches, Sketches, Speedpaints and Wing-It commission), I will be sending a rough sketch for approval, after which I will be sending an invoice. I will also send the cleaned/lined version of the piece for approval before I get to the colouring and shading steps. Please see my ToS for more info on changes and/or fixes at each step.
Q: When is payment required? Do I just send it to you? Or wait for an invoice?
A: I will contact you when I get to your commission, and will only request payment through an invoice once I’ve started working on it (I will send a rough sketch for you to approve.) unless you’ve selected the Rough Sketch, Sketch, Speedpaint, or Wing-It option, in which case I will send the invoice before any work is done.
Q: Here’s my Discord/Telegram/etc…
A: No, thank you.
Q: I’ve chosen to go with the Wing It option. Do I still get a rough sketch?
A: With the Wing It option, you trust me. I will send an invoice when I get to the commission. Even if I don’t send the rough sketch, I promise that I will never request payment for work I’m not planning on getting started on. (I mean… unless you insist on paying right away, I will not stop you, but you’ll have to understand that it won’t give you priority on the list.)
Q: Are you willing to draw […]?
A: Please see my Will and Will Not Draw section first! If it doesn’t answer your question, please scroll down to the “Any Question?” button.
Q: What is the price for […]?
A: The prices are written on the page for each commission type! Extra things like close-ups, small/intricate details, and background can be discussed with me, though!
Q: I like X artist’s art style a lot, can you draw like them?
A: This is quite rude to ask. If you want an artist’s style, ask them! I’m pretty sure they’ll be much happier if they don’t get their style emulated by someone else.
Q: Is it ok to ask about progress?
A: It is MORE than ok! I’ll be happy to tell you where I am in the work on your commissions, and I’ll gladly send you updates if requested, unless the Wing-It option was selected, or if the commission is a Rough Sketch, Sketch, or Speedpaint.
Q: I want a commission, but I’m not getting paid until X days…
A: No trouble, you can still send your form, and I’ll put it on hold until you can pay me, as long as it is within the month you’re making your request. You WILL have to tell me beforehand, though, otherwise the commission will be cancelled.
Q: Is it ok if I/someone else colours the lineart/sketch I’ve commissioned from you?
A: It’s totally alright with me! Please DO make sure to credit me, though.
Q: Can I make a base from that drawing?
A: Unless you’re the one who’s commissioned it; no. And if you are the one who’s commissioned, you are not allowed to use the base for money. You MUST credit me.
Q: Can I pay you with X?
A: I take payment through invoices using PayPal only. Alternate payment methods are not currently available.
Q: When’s my turn?
A: I have a public commissions list, though it is not fully precise, so you can have an idea of when your turn is!
Q: Why was my commission rejected?
A: There are a few reasons why your application might have been denied.
- Your idea did not inspire me at the moment.
- What I feel like drawing changes a lot, so it doesn’t mean I will never be interested! Please do try again on the next opening!
- My list is too long to take in more work.
- I don’t like making people wait too long on their commission, and sometimes, even if I like the idea, it’s best to wait until I can get it done in a timely manner!
- I do not feel like doing that type of commission at the moment.
- Sometimes the motivation for things like lineart or paneling just isn’t there! I feel like I’m at my best when I’m enjoying the work, and I would feel bad producing subpar work because of a lack of motivation.
- Your idea did not inspire me at the moment.
Any Question?
Click the cards for more info and samples!
Headshot $55
Additional Character: $30 each
Waist-Up $75
Additional Character: $35 each
Thighs High $110
Additional Character: $50 each
Full Body $145
Additional Character: $75 each
Wing-It $110
1 Character Only
Headshot $145
Additional Character: $75 each
Waist-Up $175
Additional Character: $85 each
Thighs High $215
Additional Character: $110 each
Full Body $285
Additional Character: $145 each
Wing-It $215
1 Character Only
Headshot $45
Additional Character: $20 each
Waist-Up $60
Additional Character: $30 each
Thighs High $75
Additional Character: $35 each
Full Body $110
Additional Character: $50 each
Wing-It N/A
Option already Wing-It